Lucy Rose

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Success vs Happiness in Business:

What does success mean to you?

I’m hoping that this blog post will strike a chord for many of you. When I say the word ‘success’ what emotion does it stir within you? A desire to be the best? A desire for wealth? A desire for people to tell you you are successful, and have ‘made it’? Would any of these things actually make you happy?

What should success look or feel like?

I wrote to a very famous business person last month and he responded. Despite telling me that he wasn’t quite the right person to help me take Lucy Rose forwards, he did hit a nerve. At the very end of the letter he wrote “I hope that it will be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for you”. I’m ashamed to say that at times, it really hasn’t been enjoyable because I’ve been too stressed about becoming ‘successful’ in the eyes of others.

The message at the end of the letter threw out the papers of money, success, becoming famous for an invention, and replaced it with what should be the driving factor behind everything you do – fulfilment and enjoyment.

Enjoy the journey…

This really made me stop and think. I put a lot of pressure on myself and the success of the business that I know I am missing out on the enjoyment of the journey. I have met some amazing people and we have done some incredible things and we haven’t really even got started. Imagine going from zero to hero and not enjoying yourself!? Most often it’s not until you look back do you realise this.

I’m just glad someone enabled me to open my eyes before it was too late. Here’s to the future, and here’s to having fun whilst writing it.

Attitude of gratitude

Thank you to everyone who is currently helping and who has been helping for many years – I hope by being a part of Lucy Rose, you’ve found fulfilment and enjoyment in the journey we’ve already written together.

Wherever your journey takes you, be sure to have a smile on your face.