Success vs Happiness in Business:

I’m hoping that this blog post will strike a chord for many of you. When I say the word ‘success’ what emotion does it stir within you? A desire to be the best? A desire for wealth? A desire for people to tell you you are successful, and have ‘made it’? Would any of these things actually make you happy?

Lusso Technology Update

It’s been a while since I did an update on what’s going on behind the scenes at LR HQ and that’s because we’ve mainly been waiting on the result of an Innovate UK application. At the end of May, we submitted an application that was the most intense application I’ve ever written. I had input from various individuals from around four companies, and we were splitting the project into three partners; the NCC, PES Performance and Lucy Rose.

I put my heart and soul into the application, was up until 11pm editing and adding bits until the deadline. I was confident I’d done the best job I could have done.

If you’re not failing, you’re not trying:

The story goes, Bill Gates showed his business plans to 1,200 people, 900 said no, 300 showed some interest and 11 made him a billionaire. That’s not even 1%. Can you imagine if he gave up after the first 100 no’s or even the first 500 no’s? That’s quite a battering – 900 people saying they don’t believe in the business you’re building and it is testament to most entrepreneurs that deal with this on a nearly daily basis.

The True Meaning of Success?

This is a speech I wrote and delivered at my Graduation Ceremony in 2017 in front of nearly 1,000 guests. I thought I’d share it on my website as I think it is still as relevant today and helps me gain perspective.

The personal side of success

Looking back on the past 4 years, University has been a time of immense growth. For those who don’t know, I have had a medical condition since I was 13 that in some respects made me different. I was not allowed to drink, or learn to drive, continue playing sport or be an independent teenager exploring the world with friends like so many of my peers.

The Yes People

One of the first pieces of advice that I can remember when I was starting out on my Lucy Rose journey, was ‘surround yourself with Yes people’. Easier said than done, and I am only now coming to realise how important this statement is.

It is not the critic who counts:

I’m no stranger to feelings of doubt and a lack of confidence, especially in the context of failing. We are all told from a very early age that failure is synonymous with negativity and bad feelings – you did something wrong and you should be punished for it. This could not be further from the truth.

The Goldfish Mentality

I recently heard a truth that a goldfish will only grow to the size it’s reasonably able to due to its surroundings. Simply put, it is constrained by the size of its tank.

Transfer this to humans and the same can be true. Our growth is limited by the people surrounding us. MIND BLOWN.